oh don't hold your breath dear
I've passed your comments on about the promotion. When I get a response,i'll let you know.
oh exactly dear
Perhaps you could add a note in the hope that it actually gets read!
oh your learning dear
Tried that in the past and was told they don't get read so whatever it was I asked for at the time didn't get done.
i think you are dear
At ten to four this afternoon I get a phone call from the service centre to tell me a headrail order I sent in a month ago and should be fitting tomorrow hasn't been processed.
Why not I ask? Because they didn't know whether you wanted D7 or D8 they say.
The order clearly says D7 doesn't it I say.
Yes they say.
And you leave it till 12 hours before I should be fitting it before you contact me and ask?
It was stuck in the system and there isn't a process to chase these things.
You'll be phoning the customer to tell her that you've let her down then?
Errr no we think you should.......
Then I get home (friday is my delivery day) and lo and behold 3 romans I'm supposed to be fitting next wednesday have missed the van.
Scribbled note to say they'll be on next fridays van...
Am I expecting too much?
oh dear
Similar thing I dor’d 2 headrails as both were faulty they got stuck in system too! 3 weeks and waiting!
And another thing a wooden Venetian which I was meant to fit Friday, 21 days after ordering was not on my van on Wednesday, phoned to see if they could courier it down to me as customer very angry and was told that we can no longer afford to courier blinds!
dear oh dear oh dear
another procedure they initially say they will happen but in reality they won't ring customer. had loads of arguments with them over this including team leaders.
strange how customers suddenly become our responsibility when things go wrong.
errrr oh dear
May was my best month last year. Things must be bad.
aahhhhhhh dear
Just fitted romans but 2 have a 68.5cm drop and have been fitted with 75cm antique chains.
EEERRRRRRRR dear yours are cheap ready made blinds
I do think our brackets and sidewinders are pretty poor compared to those on cheap ready made blinds
AHHHH dear if only,it would work to
I asked the question about justification for not being paid for their mistakes but being charged for ours more than a year ago and never got an answer.
Until and unless we form a union or representative body and all stick together to speak with one voice, we will get nothing and nowhere.oh dear get the experts in now dear
Look on
www.howardsblinds.co.uk in Bracknell
dear oh dear oh deary dear
In this ever tough current climate i can't imagine anyone buying a full priced blind in this range. I have to admit being embarrassed to quote this amount and have only sold one after knocking 20 percent off.
dear dear dear
Seville, wait until you receive the new roller samples. Got mine with my delivery today and they are all in bands C and D (yes we now have band D rollers!)
Price of a 120 x 120 blind shape 1 from the new price tables 69, 94, 118 and 143, A to D.
Shape 6 in D is 194 for the same size.
In the current climate don't think I will be selling too many in this new price band.
deary deary deary deary deary deary dear dear
Does anything that Hillarys come-up with on pricing surprise you. When is someone in the Ivory Tower, going to stick their neck out and take the bold step to REDUCE PRICES.
The way to maintain your business when the economic climate is not very favourable, is not to increase prices in the hope that the people who do buy will pay more for the product they are purchasing. What people need is an increased incentive to buy, ie better prices, more imaginative promotions etc etc.
As the number of recent postings confirm, appointments are not materialising and its getting much tougher out there to secure business.
What new roller samples?
On many PF installations, I'm finding the handles too close to fit the frame. The only way I've overcome this so far is by cutting the frame out around the handle.
dear oh dear oh dear
Things must be getting pretty desperate when we have to resort to this type of gimmickry, as a means of improving call centre activity.
how sweet dear
Had my dreaded account statement this week and it stated in the accompanying letter that cash deposits must be paid in within 48 hours or amount will be taken out of commission.
oh happy days dear dear
Remember the good old days Karen, just a couple of years ago when advisor errors were £7 per blind. That was before we were sold down the river by the representative group of advisors who "negotiated" very few improvements, no compensation for the very many errors Hillarys make and allowed a more than doubling of the fine from £7 to £20 that it is to this day.
aahhh dear dear dear dear dear dear dear me
Sorry but I must put my bit in here. The representitive group did not sell anyone down the river. They worked hard on behalf of all advisors and Hillarys alike to build a better relationship between both parties. They were paid no money and had no self gain involved.
They were led to believe that Hillarys were listening when in reality they were not. Hillarys only implemented things that benifited themselves and ignored all other aspects that were put to them. This was their golden opportunity to make a good working relationship even stronger.
However, they decided to go down their own rout and make it look like the £20 fine was our doing. It was not. It was sprung upon us all.
No aspects of anything constructive that came out of the work we all did ever amounted to any thing which in turn led to the bad feelings advisors then had towards Hillarys nationally. All the advisors that put effort into that meeting, both North and South are to be commended for what they did. It was not their fault no one was truly listening.